sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Virtual Micronation

Virtual Micronations

Virtual micronations are entites which appears on the internet but without territory. Normaly people who create this types of micronations, they create them only for having a hobby and not by personal interest.


Wirtland was founded on August 14, 2008, as a public initiative and is principally represented through its official website. Wirtland purports to be an experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil, which transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved. Wirtland is currently governed by a chancellor , and aims to become a parliamentary democracy.

The use of  internet in micronationalism

Some territorial micronations have used the internet to promote their entities and for getting recognision by citizens.
For example, Sealand is a territorial micronation, but they use the internet for earning money and for getting recognised worldwide.


MicronWiki is a webpage where users publish all what they they know about micronationalism.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Micronational institutions

The objective of the majority of the micronations is to become legitimated. Thanks to new tecnologies and to internet, a lot of entrepreneurs have created a lot of virtual micronational projects.
This entrepreneurs have created micronational institutions and a lot of digital newspapers.
The most important micronational project is the United Micronations.

United Micronations

The United Micronations is an international organization founded in 2009 by the micronations who committed to maintain peace and security, develope friendly relatoins between the micronations and promote social progress and better standars of life and human rights.


There are two micronational assemblies:

Assembly of Micronations

The Assembly of Micronations is a virtual project whose main objective is to promote the micronationalism globally. This assembly also aims to offer proposals for micronations and know the opinion of their users on these proposals.

Read more: http://assembly-of-micronations.webnode.com/

Assembly of Sealand

The Assembly of Sealand [AoS] is a virtual project whose function is developed on the internet .The Assembly of Sealand operates a website where visitors vote democratically proposals about the Principality of Sealand, in order to know the opinion of all the world, about Sealand.

Read more: http://assembly-of-sealand.webnode.es/

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

What is a micronation?

A micronation is an entity who claims to be independent nation but it has not international recognition. Micronationalism is a movement which defends the existence of micronations. This movement is not new. Over the centuries a lot of important people tried to create it's own country with different objectives, especially for controlling a zone and it's economical and natural resources.
Today, we also find a lot of people and organizations who claim a territory to be independent.

In the last decades, people began to use Internet and tecnologies for connecting each other. This is one of the most important facts for micronations. In the last decades, micronationalism has evolutioned and now micronationalism is a reality in a lot of places of the world.

A micronation it is not a microstate.

A lot of people know little countries which are independent, for example Andorra, San Marino, Malta or others. This countries are called microstates and they have international recognision.
On the other hand, micronation are litlle nations wich are not recognised by any state.
