domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

What is a micronation?

A micronation is an entity who claims to be independent nation but it has not international recognition. Micronationalism is a movement which defends the existence of micronations. This movement is not new. Over the centuries a lot of important people tried to create it's own country with different objectives, especially for controlling a zone and it's economical and natural resources.
Today, we also find a lot of people and organizations who claim a territory to be independent.

In the last decades, people began to use Internet and tecnologies for connecting each other. This is one of the most important facts for micronations. In the last decades, micronationalism has evolutioned and now micronationalism is a reality in a lot of places of the world.

A micronation it is not a microstate.

A lot of people know little countries which are independent, for example Andorra, San Marino, Malta or others. This countries are called microstates and they have international recognision.
On the other hand, micronation are litlle nations wich are not recognised by any state.


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